๐Ÿ”NFT Swap

NFT swapping is not a new phenomenon in the collectorโ€™s community. However, We have decided to take NFT swap further!

We will provide METAVIX community with two features in the near future, holders must meet certain criteria in order to use these features.


    Don't like your minted NFT? no problem, you can swap it with another NFT from the same collection. This process can be done one time only and you don't get to choose your new NFT, our Ecosystem will randomly choose a new NFT for you.

  • You will pay the gas fees.

  • General Swap Protocol

    This protocol will allow any two parties to swap NFTs between each other whether it's METAVIX NFTs or any other collections.

  • Service is open to the public and can be used by anyone.

  • Users will pay gas fees + tax for using the service.

How General Swap Protocol Works?

i.e: X and Y want to swap NFTs with each other. X in his wallet he selects the NFTs he wants to swap. X enters Y's wallet address and proposes the swap. Y sees the content of X's NFTs and adds her own NFTs. Y initiates the swap. X now sees the swap content and he can either reject or accept the swap.

What happens behind the scene and is it safe?

You will be asked to approve your NFTs, your NFTs will be transferred to On-Chain smart contract and will be kept safe there until swap is completed. This process is completely decentralized, neither we or anyone else will have access to your NFTs. As long as your NFTs are in the smart contract, you can cancel the swap anytime and the contract will transfer your NFTs back to you.

Last updated