๐Ÿช™MVX Token

Token Details

$MVX is an ERC-20 Governance and Utility token built on the Ethereum Blockchain. $MVX token is used within the METAVIX ecosystem to empower a decentralized community and designed to earn members who Stake their tokens and NFTs, Passive Income.


Symbol: MVX

Blockchain: Ethereum

Decimal: 18

Total Supply: 100,000,000 (100 Million)

Max Supply: 100,000,000 (100 Million)

Pre-Sale Hard Cap: 2,000 ETH

Pre-Sale Soft Cap: 1,000 ETH

Pre-Sale Rate: 1 ETH = 10,000 $MVX

Private-Sale Rate: 1 ETH = 12,500 $MVX

Listing Rate: 1 ETH = 10,000 $MVX (same as Pre-Sale rate)

Initial Market Cap: 1,831,080 $USD (based on current ETH price: 1,220.72$)

Fully Diluted Value (FDV): 12,207,200 $USD (based on current ETH price: 1,220.72$)

Vesting: Vesting schedule will be applied on Pre-Sale and Private-Sale. Check Vesting & Emission for more details.

  • Secured Liquidity: Liquidity will be locked for 2 years.

  • Trade Safely: Built with security in mind.

  • 100% Audited: To maximize investor safety, token contract will be fully audited by a professional third-party auditing firm.

  • CEX/DEX Friendly: Token contract will feature novel blockchain technology while conforming to the standards accepted by centralized and decentralized exchanges.

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Last updated