Talent Management


Artists Struggle!

We do know that a lot of artists struggle to sell their Art for many reasons! and sometimes they don't even get credited for their own work.


  • Lack of resources.

  • Targeting the wrong audience.

  • Lack of showcasing the Art.

  • Lack of marketing.

  • Pricing issues.

And the most disturbing part is, when artists publish their artwork online, they mainly do so to their own social media accounts. In doing so, they’re clearly stating “this is mine, what do you think?” looking for support and credit. However, People, especially accounts with large followings, brands, businesses and so forth post their artwork without giving credit to the rightful owner.

The world need to understand that internet isn’t some generator of free anonymous artwork, all the “content” you find online has an owner and you know this. If you don’t know who the owner is, it’s your responsibility to do due diligence and find them, if you can’t find them, don’t post their work, it’s so simple.


Purpose of the Talent Management Program (TMP) is to ONBOARD different sorts of Art/Artists into the WEB3 space and convert their work into Digital Art (NFTs). Help and support existing WEB3 Artists to grow, provide them with the stage, right audience and the social media to shine more. Moreover, with the launch of our Social Platform we will gather NFTs lovers, creators, collectors and investors under one roof.

  • Introduce different sorts of Art to the NFT space.

  • We consider the right audience and how to connect with them.

  • Provide the right resources.

  • Provide our social media as a place for the necessary marketing.

  • Provide the stage where Artists feel like home and safe place to be.

  • Do collaborations with Artists and produce full collections.

  • Weekly Artists contest! we gonna buy the Art and gift it to our community.

The strength of our work lies in our reliable production process, dedicated and professional team and advanced post-production. In short, from ideation, planning to execution, our work will always stand out!

Last updated