๐ŸŽ‘NFT Production


Transparency, Authentication, Ownership, Provenance, Copyright, and forgery have all been issues in the art industry for a long time. Moreover, the industry has historically been restricted to the elite who can manage to invest millions of dollars in a single piece of art. On the other hand, is unquestionably intended to be enjoyed by everyone, and it can transcend all social and economic barriers. Fortunately, with our designed Social Platform, the obstacles outlined above are nearly resolved. And, as of today, the art, industry has created and effectively deployed amazing and sophisticated pieces of art. we are ready for transformation in the way NFT is purchased, marketed, sponsored, loved, and even made.

METAVIX Contribution

We consistently work towards creating amazing, high quality and unique 2D/3D NFT collections. We aim to introduce different sorts of Art to the NFT space and collaborate with talented artists in order to convert their Art into digital Art (NFTs). Moreover, with the launch of our Social Platform we will have a way to credit Artists and give them their rightful ownership as well as gathering NFTs lovers, creators, collectors and investors under one roof. Read more here Metavix NFTs.

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